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Introduction to Programming for Android Using Android Studio Virtual Classroom Live July 29, 2024

Price: $1,200

This course runs for a duration of 2 Days.

The class will run daily from 10:00 am EST to 6:00 pm EST.

Class Location: Virtual LIVE Instructor Led - Virtual Live Classroom.

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The main focus of this Android Programming course is to teach students how to develop the GUI for an Android based application. This Android Programming course is ideal for Java developers to get a quick entry into the Android platform.

What students will learn?

  • The architecture of Android OS.
  • Using the Eclipse based development environment.
  • GUI development.
  • Supporting multiple languages.


Developers and architects who will be developing applications for Android devices.



Course Overview

Chapter 1. Introduction to Android

  • What is Android?
  • A Short History
  • Open Source
  • Advantages of Android
  • Disadvantages of Android
  • Android Version Distribution
  • Android Market Share
  • Phones by manufacturer
  • References
  • Summary

Chapter 2. The Development Environment

  • What Do We Need?
  • Downloading the Tools
  • Setting Up the SDK
  • Android Studio
  • Starting Android Studio
  • Android Studio Projects
  • Android Studio Interface
  • Visual Designer
  • Gradle Build System
  • Modifying Android Project Settings
  • The Android Emulator
  • Hardware Virtualization and the AndroidEmulator
  • Create a Virtual Device
  • Device Definition
  • System Image
  • Creating a Project
  • Minimum SDK Version
  • Running Your Application in the Emulator
  • Running Your Application on a Device
  • Run Configuration
  • Debugging an Application
  • Developing for Multiple Android Versions
  • Migrating to Android Studio from Eclipse
  • Summary

Chapter 3. The Architecture of Android

  • Key Components Stack
  • The Kernel
  • Libraries
  • The Android Runtime JVM
  • Application Framework
  • Applications
  • Support Libraries
  • Summary

Chapter 4. Application Fundamentals

  • Recapping The Basics
  • Packaging an Application
  • Application Reusability Architecture
  • The Manifest File
  • Activity
  • Creating an Activity Class
  • Activity Lifecycle
  • Launching an Activity
  • Pausing and Stopping an Activity
  • Destroying an Activity
  • Activity Destruction Under Resource Shortage
  • Saving State
  • Creating Views
  • Registering an Activity
  • The Default Activity
  • Process Lifecycle
  • The Application Class
  • The Application Context
  • Summary

Chapter 5. Basic GUI Programming

  • The Fundamentals
  • View Hierarchy
  • Creating Views Programmatically
  • Creating View in XML Layout
  • More on XML Layout
  • Common Programming Tasks with Views
  • TextView and EditText
  • Multi-Line Text
  • Ellipsize Long Text
  • Button
  • CheckBox
  • RadioButton and RadioGroup
  • ToggleButton
  • ImageView
  • RatingBar
  • Summary

Chapter 6. Layout Management

  • Background
  • LinearLayout
  • LinearLayout Orientation
  • match_parent (fill_parent) Example
  • Layout Gravity
  • Weight
  • TableLayout
  • Managing the Width
  • RelativeLayout
  • RelativeLayout Example
  • ScrollView
  • HorizontalScrollView
  • Summary

Chapter 7. Resource Management and Localization

  • Main Types of Resources
  • Defining Value Resources
  • Defining String Arrays
  • Creating Image Resource
  • Alternate Resource Folders
  • Alternate Folder Name Rules
  • Android XML Files in Android Studio
  • How Android Finds Resources
  • Dealing with Screen Orientation
  • Orientation Change and Activity Lifecycle
  • Fix Orientation
  • Developing for Tablets
  • Basics of Localization
  • Testing for Localization
  • Loading Localized String from Code
  • Summary

Chapter 8. Intents and Intent Filters

  • What is an Intent?
  • The android.content.Intent Class
  • Explicitly Specifying Component's Class
  • Example: An Activity Launching Another Activity
  • Implicit Target Component Specification
  • Intent Filters
  • Data Type Filter
  • Action Name
  • Category Name
  • Hint Matching Logic
  • Example Hint Matching
  • Default Component of an Application
  • Starting an Activity
  • Getting Output from Activity
  • Example of Launcher: ActivityA
  • Example of Launched: ActivityB
  • Pending Intent
  • Summary

Chapter 9. Fragments and Supporting Different Screens

  • The Problem
  • Screen Density
  • Screen Size
  • Size Qualifiers in Android 3.2
  • Supporting Multiple Screens
  • Declaring Screen Support in Manifest
  • Screen Compatibility Mode
  • Providing Alternate Resources
  • Scaling Images
  • Providing Alternate Layout for Large Devices
  • Fragments
  • Fragment Example
  • Creating a Fragment
  • Adding a Fragment to an Activity
  • Managing Fragments
  • Detecting Fragments From Activities
  • Communicating With an Activity
  • Using Fragment Callback Interface
  • Fragment State
  • Supporting Fragments on Older Devices
  • Putting It All Together
  • Testing on Multiple Screens
  • Summary

Chapter 10. Menus With Action Bar

  • Android Navigation
  • Action Bar Overview
  • Anatomy of the Action Bar
  • Action Bars in the Wild
  • Using an Existing Menu Definition
  • Adding Action Items
  • Handling Clicks on Action Items
  • Split Action Bar
  • Up Navigation
  • Using Action Views
  • Drop-down Navigation
  • Summary

Lab Exercises

  • Lab 1. Setting up the Development Environment
  • Lab 2. Developing a Simple Application
  • Lab 3. Basic UI Development
  • Lab 4. Basics of Activity and Process Lifecycle
  • Lab 5. Using Simple Views
  • Lab 6. Layout Management
  • Lab 7. Resource Management
  • Lab 8. Localization
  • Lab 9. Using Intent to Launch Activities
  • Lab 10. Using Fragments
  • Lab 11. Implementing the Action Bar


To succeed fully in this course, students should be able to program Java applications ( KT-2494)