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MongoDB Development Boot Camp Classroom Live Austin, TX February 03, 2020

Price: $1,900

This course runs for a duration of 2 days.

The class will run daily from 8:30 am CST to 4:30 pm CST.

Class Location: Austin - Austin, TX.

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MongoDB is a NoSQL database system that solves some very common problems in modern computing. With it, you’ll have high availability and scalability. Plus, it’s available on all of the major cloud platforms and can be run on your hardware just as easily. MongoDB is also highly dynamic because it uses a schemaless approach.

MongoDB is applicable to a number of today's business problems, including product catalogs, content management solutions, high-speed logging, geospatial data storage, and evolving data requirements. Using MongoDB is direct and simple, and there is a wide array of tools to support your application development right out of the box.

In this MongoDB training course, you’ll gain a working knowledge of the full capabilities of the tool, including how to model documents and create relationships between those documents. You’ll gain a greater understanding of queries and sorting. And you’ll improve your queries with detailed explanations of indexing techniques.

This course is intended for participants who want an introduction to MongoDB. Included in the materials is information on how to manage and deploy MongoDB in your development environment. There are numerous hands-on exercises that employ the Mongo Shell.

In this MongoDB Training Course, You will Learn How to:

  • Create relationships between model documents
  • Understand the structure of the MongoDB database
  • Compare and contrast MongoDB with more traditional RDBMS structures
  • Explore MongoDB’s capabilities for simple queries, filtering, and sorting
  • Learn to make applications efficient as your database size grows by properly handling data
  • Review data aggregation features, helping us make use of the data we’ve stored
  • Experiment with replication and sharding as a means to scale your database for reliability and performance
  • Look at techniques for further improving database performance
  • Create a covered query on your task list and use $explain and $hint for improved querying
  • Deploying and Backing up your MongoDB instance

Who Should Attend

This MongoDB training course was designed for anyone seeking to learn both basic and advanced applications of the database management tool. Some roles that would find this course beneficial include:

  • Developers
  • IT Engineers
  • Operation Specialists/Managers
  • IT Managers
  • Database Admins


Course Overview

Part 1: Getting Started

  1. Install MongoDB
  2. Configure MongoDB to run on your laptop
  3. Learn to use the Mongo Shell to connect to the server
  4. Differentiate MongoDB from an RDBMS
    • Discuss how MongoDB was not intended to be used as an RDBMS
    • Discuss between a document database and a relational database.
  5. Model documents in MongoDB
  6. Create relationships between those documents.
    • What's the difference?
    • Data modeling
    • Relationship management

Exercise: Install MongoDB on Windows, Mac, and/or Linux and connect to your MongoDB Server using the Mongo Shell.

Part 2: Database Management Basics

  1. Understand the structure of the MongoDB database

  2. Learn the basics of creating and managing the various components of the database

  3. Compare and contrast MongoDB with more traditional RDBMS structures
  4. Learn how to create and delete the following:
    • Databases
    • Collections
    • Documents
  5. Understand data types, including
    • How MongoDB stores data
    • The special types of data, such as
      • Object ID
      • Code
      • Regex

Exercise: Build the first document repository and create a database for storing a task list, applying our understanding of data modeling.

Part 3: CRUD Operations and Query Exercises

  1. Examine the execution of the various CRUD operations against our sample task list database
  2. Discuss the nature of the MongoDB in terms of
    • Atomic operations
    • Issues related to accurately maintaining the state of a document with respect to concurrent operations.
  3. Explore MongoDB’s capabilities for simple queries, filtering, and sorting.
    • Basic querying
    • Limiting results
    • Regular expressions
    • Metadata
    • Sorting results

Exercise: Perform CRUD operations on and basic queries against our task list our task list; filter queries against the data in our task list using exact match; do simple and complex sorting of results.

Part 4: Scalability and Distribution

  1. Learn to make applications efficient as your database size grows by properly handling data
  2. Create indexes in the database to improve query performance
    • Single field indexes
    • Multiple field indexes
    • Unique indexes
    • Transient indexes
  3. Discuss, aggregation, replication, and sharding
  4. Review data aggregation features, helping us make use of the data we’ve stored
  5. Experiment with replication and sharding as a means to scale our database for reliability and performance

Exercise: Create indexes to increase search performance; aggregate data and create a replica set from the task list.

Part 5: Advanced Topics

  1. Discuss the implications of using a document database
  2. Understand the types of relationships you can maintain in your database
    • Model embedded relationships
      • Add attributes to the task list, represented as embedded relationships
    • Model reference relationships
      • Add more collections to the task list database and establishing relationships between collections.
    • Model DBRef relationships
      • Adding another database and creating a DBRef relationship
  3. Review the impact that relationships have on how you use your database
  4. Look at techniques for further improving database performance
    • Advanced query mechanisms
      • Covered queries
      • Using Explain
      • Using Hint
    • Indexing techniques
      • Array indexes
      • Subdocument field Indexes
      • Limitations of indexes
  5. Understand Object ID
    • Create an Object ID
    • Extract the document timestamp from the Object ID
    • Stringifying the Object ID
  6. Map Reduce
    • Using Map Reduce
    • Counting records in our task list

Exercise: Create a covered query on your task list and use $explain and $hint for improved querying; create an index on the task list item tags array and on the checklist subdocument.

Part 6: Administration

  1. Basic administrative aspects of MongoDB
  2. Deployment of the MongoDB instance
  3. Using the monitoring tools
    • Mongostat—a utility that provides quick overviews of your MongoDB status
    • Mongotop— a tool that tracks how much time a MongoDB instance spends reading and writing data
  4. Backing up your MongoDB instance

Exercise: Backup and restore our task list data