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z/OS UNIX Systems Services Introduction Virtual Classroom Live December 09, 2024

Price: $2,800

This course runs for a duration of 4 Days.

The class will run daily from 10 AM ET to 5 PM ET.

Class Location: Virtual LIVE Instructor Led - Virtual Live Classroom.

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This course provides users with a general understanding of the UNIX system and teaches the basic skills for using it, as well as how UNIX is set up, accessed and used on z/OS. Emphasis is on providing hands-on practical experience with the basic UNIX facilities on an z/OS operating system.


  • This course is intended for those interested in gaining an understanding of z/OS's UNIX System Services, its commands and file structures.


  • Intro to z/OS UNIX System Services
  • UNIX Essentials
  • Accessing UNIX System Services
  • z/OS UNIX System Operation
  • z/OS UNIX System Administration
  • z/OS UNIX Application Development

Course Overview

I. Introduction to z/OS UNIX System Services

  • A. UNIX history
  • B. Standards Organizations
  • C. Standards
  • D. z/OS UNIX® system services
  • E. z/OS UNIX release history
  • F. z/OS UNIX vs. S/390 Linux
  • G. IBM products exploiting USS - TCP/IP
  • H. IBM products exploiting USS - Java
  • I. IBM products exploiting USS – Web
  • J. IBM WebSphere Overview
  • K. IBM products exploiting USS - Notes
  • L. IBM products exploiting USS - Print
  • M. z/OS UNIX serving PC files
  • N. Third-party USS products
  • O. Navigating the USS documentation
  • P. Getting more USS help online

II. UNIX Essentials

  • A. UNIX Command Overview
    • 1. File Mgmt
    • 2. File & Text Mgmt
    • 3. System Process Mgmt
    • 4. Storage Mgmt, TCP/IP
    • 5. Printing, Programming
  • B. Logging In
  • C. The Shell Prompt
  • D. Changing your Password
  • E. Logging Out
  • F. Getting some files
  • G. Commands, Switches, and Arguments
  • H. Reading the Manual: the man cmd
  • I. Userid, UID, Group, GID
  • J. Understanding UNIX Permissions
  • K. The UNIX File System
    • 1. Home and Working Directory
    • 2. Commands to List Contents of A File
    • 3. Head and tail Commands
    • 4. Copying and Moving Files
    • 5. Finding Files
    • 6. Deleting Files
    • 7. UNIX Filenames
    • 8. File Management Lab
    • 9. Creating Directories
    • 10. Removing Directories
    • 11. Copying Files Between Directories
    • 12. UNIX File Security: Permissions
    • 13. Working with Permissions
    •  14. Changing Permissions
    • 15. UNIX Directory Permissions
    • 16. Lab: chmod
    • 17. File/Dir Permissions - umask
    • 18. Changing File Ownership
    • 19. Under the covers of the File System
    • 20. Linking files
    • 21. Hard vs. Symbolic Links
    • 22. Linking to a file - ln
  • L. UNIX Text Editors
    • 1. Editing Files with vi
    • 2. Modes
    • 3. Insert Mode
    • 4. Scrolling
    • 5. Editing
    • 6. Repeat n
    • 7. File cmds
    • 8. exrc
    • 9. vi: Lab
    • 10. vi: Regular Expressions
    • 11. vi: Searching for Text
    • 12. vi: Search Lab
    • 13. vi: Text Substitution
    • 14. vi: Text Substitution Lab
  • M. The Shell
    • 1. Shell Variables
    • 2. Useful Shell Variables
    • 3. Command-line Editing
    • 4. Startup Script
    • 5. Shell Variables: Lab
    • 6. Redirection to & from Files
    • 7. Pipes
    • 8. Wildcards
    • 9. Wildcard Lab
    • 10. Command Alias
    • 11. Shell Scripts
    • 12. Shell Scripts - Example
    • 13. Shell Scripts - Exit Status
  • N. UNIX Process Management
    • 1. the ps cmd
    • 2. Background
    • 3. Kill
    • 4. UNIX Process Mgmt Lab
    • 5. Job Control in the Shell
  • O. UNIX Power Tools
    • 1. UNIX Power Tools: sort
    • 2. Archiving Files
    • 3. Compressing files
  •  P. TCP/IP Networking
    • 1. Two Similar Packet Delivery Systems
    • 2. Packet Routing
    • 3. Network Physical Layer, IP Layer
    • 4. TCP/IP Port Numbers
    • 5. TCP/IP Services
    • 6. TCP/IP Diagnostic Commands
    • 7. TCP/IP Applications
    • 8. rsh, rexec
    • 9. ftp
    • 10. get & put, mget & mput
    • 11. (client) & ftpd (server)
    • 12. Example FTP Session
    • 13. Mail
    • 14. Write
    • 15. wall
    • 16. talk
    • 17. Scheduling Work w/ cron & at
    • 18. at
    • 19. cron
    • 20. cron table

III. Accessing UNIX System Services

  • A. Accessing UNIX System Services
  • B. Accessing USS with Telnet/Rlogin
    • 1. Moving Data
    • 2. Pro’s and Con’s of using Telnet/Rlogin
  • C. Using OMVS to access z/OS
    • 1. OMVS & UNIX Differences
    • 2. Using OMVS
    • 3. OMVS Subcommands
    • 4. Other Useful Subcommands
    • 5. "Thinking OMVS"
    • 6. OMVS Lab1
    • 7. Customizing OMVS
    • 8. Entering a Long Shell Command
    • 9. Suppressing the NewLine
    • 10. OMVS Lab2
    • 11. Recovering from Hung Application
    • 12. Pro’s and Con’s of using OMVS
  • D. Using the Irish Commands
    • 1. Moving Data HFS <-> MVS (TSO)
    • 2. OGET Example
    • 3. OPUT Example
    • 4. OCOPY Example
    • 5. OCOPY Example, Using JCL
    • 6. OPUT Lab
  • E. Issuing Unix commands from TSO
  • F. OSHELL: Issue UNIX cmds from TSO
  • G. Using the ISPF Shell - Topics
    • 1. File Mgmt using the ISPF Shell
    • 2. PDS -> HFS using the ISPF Shell
    • 3. System Admin using the ISPF Shell
    • 4. ISHELL Lab
    • 5. Pro’s and Con’s of using ISHELL
  • H. Issue UNIX cmds from BATCH JCL
    • 1. BPXBATCH Example: Shell Script
    • 2. BPXBATCH Example: Shell Cmd
    • 3. Pro’s and Con’s of USS access via Batch
  • I. Using the UNIX ISPF editor (OEDIT)

IV. z/OS UNIX Operation

  • A. Operator Tools & Interfaces
  • B. Console Commands D A
  • C. Console Commands
  • D OMVS D. Console Commands SETOMVS
  • E. Console Commands SET OMVS
  • F. USS Operator Issues
  • G. USS Operator Issues - JES2 Hot Start
  • H. UNIX Operation using ISPF Shell

V. z/OS UNIX System Administration

  • A. USS architecture
    • 1. Kernel processes
    • 2. User processes
    • 3. Daemon processes
    • 4. Dubbing
  • C. BPXPRMxx Wizard
  • D. USS startup E. File systems
  • F. Hierarchical File System (HFS)
    • 1. Creating a HFS dataset
    • 2. Sharing HFS’s
    • 3. Mounting HFS dataset
    • 4. Network File System
    • 5. Distributed File System
    • 6. Temporary File System
    • 7. Mounting a File System
    • 8. File system maintenance
    • 9. Backup
    • 10. Restore
    • 11. Extended attributes
  •  G. Security
    • 1. Adding on OMVS segment
    • 2. SAF “Facility” classes
    • 3. Superuser overview
  • H. Tuning tips
    • 1. General UNIX
    • 2. RMF Reports
    • 3. BPXPRM
    • 4. ESQA
    • 5. UID/GID
    • 6. V2.7/filecache
    • 7. STEPLIBs
    • 8. File System
    • 9. Shell variables
    • 10. Using LPA
  • VI. z/OS Intro to UNIX Application Development
  • A. Development Tools
  • B. Daemons & Fork - Overview
  • C. Daemons & Fork - Flowchart
  • D. Daemons & fork - Example
  • E. Daemons & fork - Demo
  • F. Processes, Addr Spaces, Threads
  • G. Processes, Addr Spaces, Threads
  • H. Fork vs Spawn
  • I. Some z/OS UNIX Porting Difficulties


The student should have basic end-user knowledge of Windows as well as knowledge of z/OS.

Other Available Dates for this Course

Virtual Classroom Live
April 07, 2025

4 Days    10 AM ET - 5 PM ET
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