Practice using the tools and techniques of formal project management.
Learn the fundamentals and best practices of project management through hands-on, real-world exercises. Ensure that you are delivering business value by assessing a project’s business case, identifying stakeholders and their relationship to your project, capturing product requirements, and establishing quality metrics to guide the development of your product and reassess the business case. Define product scope to provide clarity for project delivery and create a work breakdown structure to define project scope for the team.
By the end of this course, you should have gained a good understanding and experience of the core competencies that make a successful project manager.
Students pursuing a university-recognized and/or accredited certificate in Canada or continuing education units in the US must attend at least 90% of class time, participate in class exercises and section-knowledge checks, and score at least 70% on an end-of-class, multiple-choice assessment.
PMI is a registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc.
What you will learn:
Who should attend:
Course Comments
Gain 21 PMI PDUs upon successful course completion.
Leadership = 4
Strategic and Business Management = 3
Technical Project Management = 14
Total = 21
Upcoming Classes
September 23, 2024