651-905-3729 Microsoft Silver Learning Partner EC Counsel Reseller compTIA Authorized Partner

Fundamentals of Architectural Thinking

2 Days


This course is for architects of all types (EA, solution architecture, technical architecture, etc.). It covers core architecture concepts: Architecture Principles, Stakeholders, Views & Viewpoints, Quality Attributes, Nonfunctional requirements, Tactics, Patterns, and Techniques.



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Virtual Classroom Live
August 26, 2024

2 Days    10:00 am EST - 6:00 pm EST
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Private Training Available
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Course Overview

  • Chapter 1 - Introduction
    • Introductions
    • Course Outline
    • Handouts & Appendices
    • Practical Application
    • Practical Application: Filling Your Toolbox
    • Course Evaluation & Questions
    • Course Delivery Overview
  • Chapter 2 - Architecture Overview
    • Architecture
    • Architects
    • Importance of Architecture
    • Communications Vehicle Among Stakeholders
    • The Project is Organized Around Architectural Elements
    • What is a System?
    • Why Focus on Structure?
    • Architecturally Significant
    • Architecturally Significant Elements
    • Solution Architecture
    • Solution Architecture Context
    • Solution Architecture & Domains
    • SA Spans All Domains
    • Relationship to EA Architecture Development Process
    • Solution Architecture Stakeholders
    • Solution Architecture Deliverables
    • EA Involvement in SA
    • Agile Architecture
    • Continuous Architecture
    • Group Discussion: Architecture
    • Summary
  • Chapter 3 - Architecture Strategies
    • Fundamental Architecture Concepts
    • Abstraction
    • Coupling
    • Cohesion
    • Decomposition & Modularization
    • Encapsulation & Information Hiding
    • Separation of Interface & Implementation
    • Architecture Principles
    • Components of Principles
    • Qualities of a Good Set of Principles
    • Example: Architecture Principles
    • Sample: Architecture Principles
    • Summary
  • Chapter 4 - Core Architecture Methods
    • Shared Vision
    • Example Shared Vision
    • Draw the Boundary
    • Well-defined Interface
    • Example: Context Diagram
    • Identify the External Interfaces
    • Subsystems
    • Subsystem Context Diagram
    • Layers
    • Example: Subsystems with Layers
    • Components
    • Decomposing the System
    • Requirements Allocation
    • Group Discussion: Requirements Allocation
    • Summary
  • Chapter 5 - Agile Architecture
    • What is the Problem We're Trying to Solve?
    • Prioritization
    • Integration
    • What About How the Environment Has Changed?
    • So What to Do?
    • Goals of Agile Architecture
    • Benefits
    • Agile Architecture at Work
    • Agile Architecture for Agile Software Projects
    • Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe)
    • Continuous Architecture
    • Agile Architecture for Software
    • Agile Architecture Research
    • Agile Architecture Research Example 1
    • Agile Architecture Research Example 2
    • Agile Architecture Research Example 3
    • Agile Architecture as an EA Practice
    • Agile Architecture in the Industry
    • Agile Architecture for EA Conclusion
    • Summary
  • Chapter 6 - Architecture Requirements
    • Architecture Quality Attributes
    • Quality of Service Requirement Categories
    • Checklist: Quality Attribute (QA) Categories
    • Trade-off Analysis
    • Group Discussion: Trade-offs
    • Technique: Requirement Patterns
    • Tool: Non-Functional Requirement Patterns
    • Checklist: Requirement Statement Best Practices
    • Technique: Architecture Change Cases
    • Template: Elements of a Change Case
    • Example: Change Case
    • Eliciting Change Cases
    • Group Discussion: Change Case
    • Summary
  • Chapter 7 - Stakeholder Management
    • Stakeholders
    • Stakeholder Management
    • When to Focus on Stakeholder Management
    • Steps in the Stakeholder Management Process
    • Identifying Stakeholders
    • Example Stakeholders & Concerns
    • Views and Viewpoints
    • Example View: Claim Handling from a Process Viewpoint
    • Classifying Stakeholde Positions: The Stakeholder Matrix
    • Determining the Stakeholder Management Approach and Tailoring the Deliverables: The Stakeholder Map
    • Example: Stakeholder Map
    • Template: Stakeholder Map Matrix Template
    • Summary
  • Chapter 8 - Architecture Techniques
    • Progressive Filtering
    • Rubric
    • Example: Service Design Rubric
    • Example: Architecture Rubric
    • Refactoring
    • Think About the Future, But Wait to Act
    • Feature Tree
    • Decision Tables
    • Decision Table Example
    • Flowcharts
    • Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat (SWOT) Analysis
    • Example: SWOT Layout
    • SWOT Steps
    • Summary
  • Chapter 9 - Architecture Deliverables
    • Documentation Best Practices
    • Architecture Requirements Document
    • Template: Requirements Specification
    • IEEE Architectural Description Document
    • Template: Architectural Description Document
    • TOGAF Architecture Definition Document
    • Templates: Architectural Definition Document
    • Group Discussion: Architecture Definition Documents
    • Interface Design Document
    • Template: Interface Design Document
    • Database Design Document
    • Template: Database Design Document
    • Platform Design Document
    • Template: Platform Design Document
    • Architecture Decision Document
    • Template: Architecture Decision Document
    • Group Discussion: Documentation
    • Verbal Supports: CREST
    • Group Discussion: Presentations
    • Summary
  • Chapter 10 - The Architecture Toolbox
    • Improving Architecture Skills
    • Improving Architecture Skills: Spend Time @ the Library
    • Improving Architecture Skills: Use Cookbooks
    • Improving Architecture Skills: Practice with Mentors
    • Improving Architecture Skills: Look for Existing Stuff
    • Improving Architecture Skills: Build a Toolbox
    • What Goes in A Toolbox
    • Business Analysis Book of Knowledge (BABOK)
    • Resource: Business Architecture Body of Knowledge (BIZBOK™)
    • Software Engineering Institute (SEI)
    • Software Engineering Book of Knowledge (SWEBOK)
    • OpenUp
    • Microsoft Library
    • Financial Industry Organizations
    • Health Industry Organizations
    • Retail Industry Organizations
    • Technology Industry Organizations
    • Reference Library
    • Practitioner Toolbox Items
    • Group Discussion: Toolbox Items
    • Summary
  • Handout 1 - Sample Principles
    • Business Principles
    • Data Principles
    • Application Principles
    • Technology Principles
    • Governance Principles
    • SOA Governance Principles
  • Handout 2 - Requirement Patterns
  • Handout 3 - Rubric Worksheet
  • Appendix A - Reference Library
    • Overview
    • Industry Organizations
    • References & Further Reading
  • Appendix B - Architecture Tactics
    • Tactics
    • Availability Tactics
    • Modifiability Tactics
    • Performance Tactics
    • Security Tactics
    • Testability Tactics
    • Usability Tactics
    • Approach for Describing Tactics
    • Group Discussion: Tactics
    • Pipes & Filters: Tactics
    • Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA): Tactics
    • Architectural Patterns and Corresponding Tactics for Modifiability
    • Summary
  • Appendix C - Patterns
    • What are Patterns?
    • Elements of a Pattern
    • Pattern Levels
    • Pattern Types
    • How to Start Using Patterns?
    • Common Architectural Patterns
    • Layers Pattern
    • Example: Retail Layered Architecture
    • Object-Oriented Design Patterns
    • OO Design Patterns
    • Structural Design Pattern: Facade Pattern Example
    • Enterprise Integration Patterns
    • Messaging Systems: Overview
    • Example Pattern: Pipes and Filters
    • Example: Monitoring Credit Bureau
    • EAA Patterns
    • Model-View-Controller (MVC) Pattern
    • SOA Patterns
    • Example: Saga Pattern
    • Business Process Patterns
    • Example: Synchronizing Merge Pattern
    • Configuration Management Patterns
    • New Patterns Continue to Emerge
    • Group Discussion: Patterns
    • Summary
  • Appendix D - Pattern List
  • Appendix D - Interface Specifications
    • Interface Specification Best Practices
  • Appendix E - Architecture Glossary
    • ABC
    • DEF
    • GHI
    • MNO
    • PQR
    • STU
    • VWXYZ
  • Lab Exercises
    • Lab 1. Requirements
    • Lab 2. System Scope
    • Lab 3. Architecture Techniques
    • Lab 4. Start Your Architecture Toolbox​


Upcoming Classes

Virtual Classroom Live
August 26, 2024

2 Days    10:00 am EST - 6:00 pm EST
view class details and enroll
Private Training Available
No date scheduled, don’t see a date that works for you or looking for a private training event, please call 651-905-3729 or submit a request for further information here.
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