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DevOps Executive Workshop

1 Day


NOTE: This course is only available by customer request. If you are interested in taking this course, please call 651-905-3729 or submit a request for a date.

Executives are recognizing the benefits of DevOps implemented in other organizations and would like to reap those benefits for their own. In turn, they begin investing in training and instructing teams to use DevOps practices.

Although a great start, teams are limited by their context. The frustration of students who attend our DevOps Implementation Boot Camp is palpable when they tell us, “We’d love to operate this way, but they won’t let us.” Unfortunately, when teams are limited like this, organizations are not able to fully realize the benefits of DevOps.

That’s where we, as senior leaders, come in. It’s up to us to set the tone and alter expectations; to make sure that organizations aren’t just using DevOps tools but are making the cultural and organizational changes that are necessary. 

We created this training specifically for senior leaders to explore what it takes for organizations to fully embrace DevOps, and use those insights to design action plans for enabling, encouraging, and empowering DevOps in their own organizations.

This training is best as a full-day, off-site engagement for the entire senior leadership team and your organization’s DevOps champion(s).

This training is most productive if it uses the recommendations of a DevOps Assessment as the starting point and is followed up with expert Coaching that will guide you to successful achievement of your objectives.


  • CIOs and CTOs
  • IT Directors & Managers
  • Functional leaders/directors
  • Testing Managers
  • Architects
  • Project Managers
  • Program Managers and Directors
  • Development Managers
  • Branch Chiefs
  • Anyone responsible for leading teams or IT decision-making

In This Class You Will Learn:

An expert experienced at guiding organizations through DevOps transformations will lead you in:

  • Building a consensus about the importance of using DevOps,
  • Coming to a common and accurate understanding what DevOps involves,
  • Exploring the ways in which DevOps tools and practices differ from your current tools and practices, and
  • Determining what you as organizational leaders must do to make use of the DevOps tools and practices the norm.

At the end of the day, you will build:

  • A description of your organization’s Future State with DevOps,
  • A strategic plan for achieving that Future State,
  • Tactical plans for each area of responsibility to embrace DevOps, and
  • A commitment to moving forward with these plans to embrace DevOps.

No Upcoming Public Classes

There are currently no public events available for this course. However, you can submit a request for a new date and we will try our best to get you into a DevOps Executive Workshop class.

Private Training Available
No date scheduled, don’t see a date that works for you or looking for a private training event, please call 651-905-3729 or submit a request for further information here.
request a private session or new date

Course Overview

Part 1: Future State with DevOps

Actions: We begin by reviewing the results of your DevOps Assessment with an eye toward determining how each of the recommendations applies to your organization. We will add to that by brainstorming additional pains/problems/issues that DevOps could help to correct, and benefits of DevOps that the organization wishes to achieve. 

Outcomes: We will come to a consensus on a list of outcomes from your DevOps transformation that represent your desired Future State.

Part 2: DevOps Principles, Practices, Tools

Actions: We then build a common understanding about DevOps among the workshop participants and begin discussing the senior leader role in embracing DevOps culture, tools and practices. We will discuss these topics:

  • The What and Why of DevOps – We look at the full extent of what DevOps includes, and the benefits others have realized, and discuss how they apply to our organization.
  • The First Way: Optimize Flow – We explore the DevOps Principles, Practices and Tools that enable organizations to achieve fast, smooth flow in their work processes and discuss the degree to which the organization must change to make their use the norm.
  • The Second Way: Amplify Feedback – We explore the DevOps Principles, Practices and Tools that enable organizations to build the feedback mechanisms that are necessary to optimize flow, immediately recognize failures, and achieve continual learning and discuss the degree to which the organization must change to make their use the norm.
  • The Third Way: Continual Learning and Exploration – We explore the DevOps Principles, Practices and Tools that enable organizations to continually learn and improve and discuss the degree to which the organization must change to make their use the norm.
  • Maturing a DevOps Practice in the Enterprise – We look at a model for organizational change and discuss how each step of that model could be helpful as our organization embraces DevOps.

We end this section by reviewing the Future State with DevOps we built in section 1 with the intent of making additions or changes based on our new more complete common understanding of DevOps.

Outcomes: At the conclusion of this section, we will have:

  • Shared understanding of DevOps
  • Appreciation of senior leaders’ roles in adopting DevOps Culture, Practices and Tools
  • Future State with DevOps, updated

Part 3: Strategic DevOps Plan

Actions: We will look at a Generic Strategic DevOps Transformation Plan, discuss the applicability of each item to our organization, and brainstorm additional items that we may need. 

Outcomes: Based on that discussion (above), we will build a Strategic DevOps Plan for our own organization and come to a consensus on it.

Part 4: Tactical DevOps Plan

Actions: The workshop participants will break out into small groups or as individuals to build Tactical DevOps Plans for their own areas of responsibility. Each Tactical DevOps Plan will be based on the Strategic DevOps Plan, and will identify concrete, specific actions that are necessary for that particular area of responsibility to adopt DevOps culture, principles, practices, and tools. The workshop facilitator will circulate among the participants to help them build complete and workable plans.

The workshop will then reconvene.Each Tactical DevOps Plan will be presented and discussed in an effort to improve it, and to ensure that all of the Tactical DevOps Plans align, synchronize, and synergize across the organization.


  • A Tactical DevOps Plan for each area of responsibility
  • Tactical DevOps Plans aligned and synchronized across the organization

Part 5: Next Steps Toward DevOps

Actions: We will end by actions that will be necessary after the workshop, ew.g.:

  • Make the Strategic and Tactical DevOps Plans actionable (dates, metrics, deliverables)
  • Define how progress against the Strategic and Tactical DevOps Plans will be tracked
  • Obtain the required training, coaching and tools.

We will wrap up with a verbal commitment by all workshop participants to doing their part to make the organization’s DevOps Transformation successful.


  • List of steps participants will take after this workshop to ensure:
    • The success of the Strategic and Tactical DevOps Plans, and
    • Achievement of the desired Future State with DevOps

No Upcoming Public Classes

There are currently no public events available for this course. However, you can submit a request for a new date and we will try our best to get you into a DevOps Executive Workshop class.

Private Training Available
No date scheduled, don’t see a date that works for you or looking for a private training event, please call 651-905-3729 or submit a request for further information here.
request a private session or new date



No Upcoming Public Classes

There are currently no public events available for this course. However, you can submit a request for a new date and we will try our best to get you into a DevOps Executive Workshop class.

Private Training Available
No date scheduled, don’t see a date that works for you or looking for a private training event, please call 651-905-3729 or submit a request for further information here.
request a private session or new date