651-905-3729 Microsoft Silver Learning Partner EC Counsel Reseller compTIA Authorized Partner

Introduction to Angular Programming

3 Days


This Angular training course teaches attendees the fundamentals for creating modern, interactive web applications using the latest version of Angular.

Skills Gained

  • Design reusable UI elements with robust data binding and lifecycle hooks.
  • Use TypeScript for cleaner, more robust code and prevent runtime errors.
  • Share data effectively and orchestrate complex functionalities across your application.
  • Conquer forms by implementing validation, handling user interactions, and building dynamic form experiences.
  • Use the Angular router to create seamless navigation and user journeys.

Upcoming Classes

Virtual Classroom Live
September 09, 2024

3 Days    10 AM ET - 6 PM ET
view class details and enroll
Private Training Available
No date scheduled, don’t see a date that works for you or looking for a private training event, please call 651-905-3729 or submit a request for further information here.
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Course Overview


  • What is Angular?
  • Central Features of the Angular Framework
  • Appropriate Use Cases
  • Building Blocks of an Angular Application
  • Basic Architecture of an Angular Application
  • Installing and Using Angular
  • Anatomy of an Angular Application
  • Running the Application
  • Building and Deploying the Application
  • Angular for Native Mobile Apps

Introduction to TypeScript

  • Programming Languages for Use with Angular
  • TypeScript Syntax
  • Programming Editors
  • The Type System – Defining Variables
  • The Type System – Defining Arrays
  • Basic Primitive Types
  • Type in Functions
  • Type Inference
  • Defining Classes
  • Class Methods
  • Visibility Control
  • Class Constructors
  • Class Constructors – Alternate Form
  • Uninitialized Fields
  • Interfaces
  • Working with ES6 Modules
  • var vs let
  • Arrow Functions
  • Arrow Function Compact Syntax
  • Template Strings
  • Generics in Class
  • Generics in Function


  • What is a Component?
  • An Example Component
  • Creating a Component Using Angular CLI
  • The Component Class
  • The @Component Decorator
  • Registering a Component to Its Module
  • Component Template
  • Example: HelloComponent Template
  • Example: The HelloComponent Class
  • Using a Component
  • Run the Application
  • Component Hierarchy
  • The Application Root Component
  • The Bootstrap File
  • Component Lifecycle Hooks
  • Example Lifecycle Hooks
  • CSS Styles

Component Templates

  • Templates
  • Template Location
  • The Mustache {{ }} Syntax
  • Setting DOM Element Properties
  • Setting Element Body Text
  • Event Binding
  • Expression Event Handler
  • Prevent Default Handling
  • Attribute Directives
  • Apply Styles by Changing CSS Classes
  • Example: ngClass
  • Applying Styles Directly
  • Structural Directives
  • Conditionally Execute Template
  • Example: ngIf
  • Looping Using ngFor
  • ngFor Local Variables
  • Manipulating the Collection
  • Example - Deleting an Item
  • Item Tracking with ngFor
  • Swapping Elements with ngSwitch
  • Grouping Elements
  • Template Reference Variable

Inter Component Communication

  • Communication Basics
  • The Data Flow Architecture
  • Preparing the Child to Receive Data
  • Send Data from Parent
  • More About Setting Properties
  • Firing Event from a Component
  • @Output() Example - Child Component
  • @Output() Example - Parent Component
  • Full Two Way Binding
  • Setting up Two Way Data Binding in Parent

Template Driven Forms

  • Template Driven Forms
  • Importing Forms Module
  • Basic Approach
  • Setting Up a Form
  • Getting User Input
  • Omitting ngForm Attribute
  • Initialize the Form
  • Two Way Data Binding
  • Form Validation
  • Angular Validators
  • Displaying Validation State Using Classes
  • Additional Input Types
  • Checkboxes
  • Select (Drop Down) Fields
  • Rendering Options for Select (Drop Down)
  • Date fields
  • Radio Buttons

Reactive Forms

  • Reactive Forms Overview
  • The Building Blocks
  • Import ReactiveFormsModule
  • Construct a Form
  • Design the Template
  • Getting Input Values
  • Initializing the Input Fields
  • Setting Form Values
  • Subscribing to Input Changes
  • Validation
  • Built-In Validators
  • Showing Validation Error
  • Custom Validator
  • Using a Custom Validator
  • Supplying Configuration to Custom Validator
  • FormArray - Dynamically Add Inputs
  • FormArray - The Component Class
  • FormArray - The Template
  • FormArray - Values
  • Sub FormGroups - Component Class
  • Sub FormGroups - HTML Template
  • Why Use Sub FormGroups

Services and Dependency Injection

  • What is a Service?
  • Creating a Basic Service
  • The Service Class
  • What is Dependency Injection?
  • Injecting a Service Instance
  • Injectors
  • Injector Hierarchy
  • Registering a Service with the Root Injector
  • Registering a Service with a Component's Injector
  • Register a Service with a Feature Module Injector
  • Where to Register a Service?
  • Dependency Injection in Other Artifacts
  • Providing an Alternate Implementation
  • Dependency Injection and @Host
  • Dependency Injection and @Optional

HTTP Client

  • The Angular HTTP Client
  • Using The HTTP Client - Overview
  • Importing HttpClientModule
  • Service Using HttpClient
  • Making a GET Request
  • What does an Observable Object do?
  • Using the Service in a Component
  • The PeopleService Client Component
  • Error Handling
  • Customizing the Error Object
  • Making a POST Request
  • Making a PUT Request
  • Making a DELETE Request

Pipes and Data Formatting

  • What are Pipes?
  • Built-In Pipes
  • Using Pipes in HTML Template
  • Chaining Pipes
  • Internationalized Pipes (i18n)
  • Loading Locale Data
  • The date Pipe
  • The number Pipe
  • Currency Pipe
  • Create a Custom Pipe
  • Custom Pipe Example
  • Using Custom Pipes
  • Using a Pipe with ngFor
  • A Filter Pipe
  • Pipe Category: Pure and Impure
  • Pure Pipe Example
  • Impure Pipe Example

Introduction to Single Page Applications

  • What is a Single Page Application (SPA)
  • Traditional Web Application
  • SPA Workflow
  • Single Page Application Advantages
  • HTML5 History API
  • SPA Challenges
  • Implementing SPA's Using Angular

The Angular Component Router

  • The Component Router
  • View Navigation
  • The Angular Router API
  • Creating a Router Enabled Application
  • Hosting the Routed Components
  • Navigation Using Links and Buttons
  • Programmatic Navigation
  • Passing Route Parameters
  • Navigating with Route Parameters
  • Obtaining the Route Parameter Values
  • Retrieving the Route Parameter Synchronously
  • Retrieving a Route Parameter Asynchronously
  • Query Parameters
  • Supplying Query Parameters
  • Retrieving Query Parameters Asynchronously
  • Problems with Manual URL entry and Bookmarking

Upcoming Classes

Virtual Classroom Live
September 09, 2024

3 Days    10 AM ET - 6 PM ET
view class details and enroll
Private Training Available
No date scheduled, don’t see a date that works for you or looking for a private training event, please call 651-905-3729 or submit a request for further information here.
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  • Web development experience using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is required to get the most out of this Angular  course.
  • Knowledge of the browser DOM is also helpful. Prior Angular experience with AngularJS or the current version of Angular is not required.

Upcoming Classes

Virtual Classroom Live
September 09, 2024

3 Days    10 AM ET - 6 PM ET
view class details and enroll
Private Training Available
No date scheduled, don’t see a date that works for you or looking for a private training event, please call 651-905-3729 or submit a request for further information here.
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